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NIPPC’s second set of informal comments in the Washington Department of Ecology’s rulemaking on markets, 2/15/24
NIPPC’s pre-workshop comments in the Washington UTC’s rulemaking UE-210183, to consider the adoption of markets and compliance requirements for CETA, 2/16/24
NIPPC’s straw proposal on direct access issues in UM 2024, the OPUC’s investigation into long-term direct access programs, 2/29/24
Joint reply comments from NIPPC, Calpine and Brookfield Renewable in AR 660, the OPUC’s docket on the adoption of rules relating to resource adequacy in Oregon, 2/13/24
NIPPC comments on the commission staff’s report recommending acknowledgement of Idaho Power’s 2026 RFP final shortlist in UM 2255, Idaho Power’s RFP, 2/8/24
NIPPC’s West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative comments, supporting a paired approach of a short-term and long-term solution, 1/12/24
NIPPC’s comments on the OPUC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) on direct access programs in Oregon, highlighting the ongoing lengthy process of over 5 years, in AR 651, 4/25/23
NIPPC, REC and CREA, jointly the QF trade associations, submit comments on staff’s straw proposal on standard solar-plus-storage rates in Oregon, as part of UM 2000, the OPUC’s investigation into PURPA implementation, 4/25/23
NIPPC comments to the OPUC in UM 2274, Portland General Electric’s request to waive certain competitive bidding guidelines from its 2023 All-Source RFP, 4/13/23
Joint comments filed by NIPPC, REC and CREA in response to the joint utilities’ motion for a rehearing or clarification of the commission order in UM 2032, the OPUC’s investigation into the treatment of network upgrade costs for qualifying facilities, 4/5/23
NIPPC’s comments to the OPUC in UM 2255, Idaho Power’s draft RFP to meet 2026 capacity needs, 3/17/23
NIPPC’s comments on staff’s updated straw proposal in UM 2143, the OPUC’s resource adequacy investigation, 3/13/23
NIPPC comments to BPA on the alternatives the agency identified for interconnection queue reform at its March 16/17 workshops, 3/29/23
NIPPC comments to BPA on the provider of choice process, supporting efforts to increase the size of the federal system, 3/21/23
NIPPC comments to BPA on generator interconnection queue reform as part of the kickoff to the TC-25 tariff revision process, 3/1/23
NIPPC’s comments to the Montana PSC on Northwestern Energy’s 2023 IRP, docket 2022.11.102, 10/6/23
NIPPC comments to the Washington Department of Ecology on its Electricity Markets Rulemaking for importers, 10/30/23
NIPPC comments on the current draft rules in docket UE-210183 on CETA implementation with regard to the adoption of markets and compliance requirements, 11/27/23
NIPPC submits joint comments to SPP, as part of the independents sector, on potential governance changes for its Markets+ program, 10/10/23
NIPPC’s comments in UM 2274 on PGE’s supplemental filing related to its affiliate, Portland Renewable Resource Co. (PRP) bidding into its RFP, 11/17/23
NIPPC comments on BPA’s Day Ahead Market Process, following BPA’s September workshop, 10/15/23
NIPPC’s motion to intervene in ER23-2686, the CAISO’s proposed tariff amendment to implement its day-ahead market, 9/21/23
NIPPC’s response to PGE’s motion for clarification or reconsideration in UI 489, PGE’s refiled affiliate application, 9/27/23
NIPPC submits comments on staff’s report in UM 2143, the OPUC’s investigation into resource adequacy in Oregon, 9/18/23
NIPPC’s comments in UM 1631, PGE’s waiver request to provide limited load forecasting information for its Green Future Enterprise (GFE) program, 8/28/23
NIPPC principles submitted in BPA’s stakeholder process in its consideration of participating in the day-ahead market, 8/15/23
NIPPC comments on the facilitation of a consumer led workshop series in U-230161, the UTC’s investigation on the impact of the Climate Commitment Act on IOUs in Washington state, 5/10/23
NIPPC comments opposing approval of PGE’s application to form an affiliate to bid in its RFP process, docket UI 489, 6/29/23
Expert report on imputed debt, authored by Michael Gorman for NIPPC, as part of the coalition’s filings in UM 2274, PGE’s RFP case, 6/21/23
NIPPC’s comments on PGE’s requests for acknowledgement of its draft RFP, and a partial waiver of the competitive bidding rules in UM 2274, 6/16/23
NIPPC’s comments on staff’s draft resource adequacy rules proposal in UM 2143, the OPUC’s investigation into resource adequacy in Oregon, 6/12/23
NIPPC’s comments and updated issues list filed in OPUC docket UM 2255, updating NIPPC’s position following staff’s report in Idaho Power’s RFP, 6/6/23
NIPPC submits comments on staff’s report in Idaho Power’s 2026 draft RFP, in UM 2255, 5/9/23
NIPPC and RNW Whitepaper on Reforms to BPA’s Transmission Planning and Business Case Policies, “‘Appropriate and Required’: BPA and Building the Grid the Northwest Needs”, 5/3/23
NIPPC comments on staff’s proposal for generator interconnection queue reform as part of the TC-25 process, 5/2/23
NIPPC comments to the House Committee on Environment & Energy on the provision in HB 1589 for utility bias on procurement and ownership as part of Washington State’s decarbonization goals, 2/6/23
NIPPC comments to the House Committee on Environment & Energy on House Bill 1192, the Washington transmission reform bill supported by Gov. Jay Inslee, 1/19/23
NIPPC’s final comments in AR 631, the OPUC case on proposed rules for standard PPA contract terms and conditions, 2/16/23
NIPPC letter to BPA Administrator, John Hairston requesting BPA to launch an initiative focused on reforming transmission planning and project execution to accelerate capacity upgrades, 2/9/23
NIPPC comments to the House Committee on Environment & Energy on House Bill 1192, the Washington transmission reform bill supported by Gov. Jay Inslee, 1/19/23
NIPPC comments to BPA on its proposed business practice change to curtailments on 1:1 paths, 2/8/23
NIPPC’s Answer to PacifiCorp’s Replacement Generation Interconnection proposal in FERC docket ER23-408, 12/30/22
NIPPC’s Protest and Comments to WPP’s Response to Deficiency Letter in proceeding ER22-2762 on the WRAP tariff submission to FERC, 12/30/22
NIPPC’s supplemental comments in MPSC docket 2021.01.007, the implementation of HB 597 regarding utility competitive procurement and resource planning practices, 11/28/22
Reply from NIPPC, to WPP’s answer, to NIPPC’s protest of the WRAP tariff filing at FERC, 11/15/22
NIPPC, REC and CREA’s joint comments on the amendments to the proposed rules, in AR 631, the OPUC’s rulemaking on standard QF contract terms, 12/16/22
NIPPC comments on the preferential curtailment of Direct Access customers in AR 651, the OPUC’s informal rulemaking for direct access regulations, 11/18/22
NIPPC comments to the Washington UTC in UE-210795, Puget Sound Energy’s 2021 Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP), 3/2/22
NIPPC’s comments in MPSC docket 2022.09.087, the Montana commission’s resource adequacy investigation, 10/14/22
Henry Tilghman’s summary statement on behalf of NIPPC at FERC’s technical conference on regional transmission planning, AD22-8-000, 10/4/22
NIPPC’s comments and protest in docket ER22-2762-000, The Western Power Pool’s proposed tariff for the WRAP before FERC, 9/30/22
NIPPC’s motion to intervene before FERC in the Western Power Pool’s proposed tariff for the Western Resource Adequacy Program, 9/27/22
NIPPC comments on the Southwest Power Pool’s draft proposal for Western Day-Ahead market and related services, 10/28/22
NIPPC, REC and CREA’s joint reply comments in AR 631, the OPUC’s rulemaking on standard QF contract terms, 10/7/22
NIPPC, REC and CREA’s joint comments on Group 2 rules in AR 631, the OPUC’s rulemaking on standard contract terms for qualifying facilities, 9/16/22
NIPPC comments on staff’s straw proposal for Division 38 rule language in AR 651, the OPUC’s informal rulemaking for Direct Access regulations, 9/15/22
NIPPC, REC and CREA submit post hearing reply brief in UM 2032, the OPUC’s docket on network upgrade cost allocation and interconnection service, 9/2/22
NIPPC comments on the CAISO EDAM revised straw proposal, following the Q&A format requested from stakeholders by CAISO, 9/26/22
NIPPC’s pre-hearing comments in the Montana PSC’s RFP rulemaking docket 2021.01.007, 8/10/22
NIPPC comments to the Department of Ecology on its draft Cap & Invest program rules, 7/15/22
NIPPC comments to SPP on the draft governance straw proposal for the Markets+ program, 7/15/22
NIPPC’s response to PacifiCorp’s Motion to Dismiss before the Deschutes County Court in NewSun’s objection to PacifiCorp’s RFP, UM 2193, 8/25/22
NIPPC’s motion to intervene in PacifiCorp’s RFP appeal, before the Deschutes County Court in UM 2193, 8/23/22
NIPPC’s reply testimony on PacifiCorp’s proposed new green tariff for large customers in OPUC docket UE 399, 8/11/22
NIPPC, REC and CREA submit comments in UM 2032, the OPUC’s investigation into network upgrade costs for qualifying facilities, 8/5/22
NIPPC comments on the BP-24 / TC-24 rate case workshops, July 29 & 30, addressing generation inputs, 8/10/22
NIPPC comments to the U.S. Department of Energy on the implementation of the TFP (Transmission Facilitation Program),6/13/22
NIPPC letter to the US Department of Commerce on its CSPV circumvention investigation, 5/6/22
NIPPC’s joint comments to the Oregon commission in UM 1728,the docket addressing PGE’s 2022 annual update to avoided cost prices,6/28/22
NIPPC’s opening testimony in PacifiCorp’s rate case on the topic of the VRET, comparing PacifiCorp’s proposed VRET to the PGE product,6/22/22
NIPPC submits joint comments on the prehearing brief in UM 2032, the OPUC’s investigation into the treatment of QF’s with respect to network upgrades, 6/3/22
NIPPC submits comments in the initial stakeholder input phase of PGE’s Queue Reform Proposal, 5/20/22
NIPPC, REC and CREA submit comments on the final proposed staff rules for standard QF contract terms in AR 631, 5/11/22
NIPPC comments to BPA on revenue financing as part of the BPA Financial Plan refresh, 6/16/22
NIPPC’s comments on the WUTC April 19 workshop in U-210590, the commission’s policy statement addressing alternatives to traditional cost of service rulemaking, 4/27/22
NIPPC comments to the Washington UTC in UE-210183, the CETA implementation rulemaking, 4/22/22